Basics of c language

A programming language is an artificial language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs that control the behavior of a machine.

      Types of Programming language:-
  1. Low level language/machine language
  2. Assembly language
  3. high level language   
  • Machine language 

 Every command the computer sees is given as a number or sequence of numbers.  It is in binary, normally presented in hex to simplify and be more readable.

Avantages of machine language:-
  1. Fast speed 
  2. trasnlator not required 
 Disadvantages of machine language:-
  1. Machine dependent
  2. Complex instruction set            

  • Assembly language 
This is the same as machine language, except the command numbers have been replaced by letter sequences which are more readable and easier to memorize.
  • High level language 

High-level languages are there to make programming easier. Assembly language requires you to work with the machine itself. High-level languages allow you to describe the program in a more natural language. A single command in a high-level language usually is equivalent to several commands in an assembly language.  Readability is the best.

 Avantage of high level language:-
  1. Instruction are simple and more readable.
 Disadvantages of machine language:-
  1. Translator reqiured.
  2. slow speed as compared to machine language.  


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